
Exprimento Limon is a non-profit organisation founded in 2007 in Madrid. We started in London in 2013 with the name Making Art Happen. 


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Exprimento Limon is  a non-profit organisation founded in 2007

Organisation's mission: 
  1.  To investigate the application of innovative methodologies, incorporating dynamics and tools of artistic creativity to assimilate new knowledge using the imagination, interaction and creation. 
  2.  To generate relational spaces of socialisation, undertaking this project as an initiative that is open to the possibility of enriching the process of shared learning. 
  3.  To provide interactive and participative methodologies, using strategies of action-reflection to give the individual's autonomy in their process of growth and intellectual construction. 
  4. To search implications between the formal and informal education, between school and art education, and establish collaborative relationships in the long run with the context of the school. 
  5. To cultivate the sensory experiences, educate the senses, enrich the language and learn to express in a personal way. 
  6.  To create a space for the exchange of ideas between various disciplines, at a local and international level, in which different knowledge of each area is integrated to create collaborative and sustainable experiences. 

Exprimento Limon main activities are: 
  • to develop, design and teach workshops of creativity and experimentation for small and older users; 
  • to create workshops for the enjoyment of our grandparents, 
  • to produce teaching material for schools, cultural centres and museums;
  • to design specific workshops for artistic education centres and specialised in art spaces; 
  • to generate creative actions to incorporate into everyday logics; 
  • to investigate along with other multidisciplinary platforms in lathe forms of creative learning;  
  • and to create artistic exhibition devices, for reflection and research: labs, workshops, and activities around visual arts language and its influence on the construction of references. 
The organisation is always searching to join synergies with other contexts and other countries. We have previously reached close relationships with the UK, curating an exhibition in London and inviting British professionals to take part in the workshops in Madrid. 

Exprimento Limon members have collaborated with the team at Matadero Madrid, Espacio Trapezio, Madrid Arts Council, Library of Reina Sofia Museum, Tabakalera Madrid, Instituto Cervantes, Just Madrid Art Fair, Science Museum London, Obra Social Caja Duero, Madrid Abierto, among others. 

Organisation's structure: 

The team is composed of an administrative board with four founder members. And the day to day basis is formed by three independent cultural mediators. Also, Exprimento Limon works of researchers and collaborators from different disciplines: scientists, artists, artistic educators, teachers, art curators, psychologists and sociologists. 

Exprimento Limon receives private and public funding. The private income comes from private organisations (outsourcing), participating families of the workshops and other partners. The public income is from public schools, grants from the Spanish Ministry of Culture.

Actual London team:
Vanesa Cejudo
Cristina Calvo